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All About My Sessions

Arcturian Healing Space transmutes a a Healing Modality a paradigm in healing & channeled Arcturian Energy source. I am merely a channel that they use to transmute healing energies and modalities to this time and space.




This modality is to remove a holographic matrix and an Interference installed onto our human Bodies by using this interface to drain humans of our vital energy source which they feed from, usually in the form of negativity, stress, anxiety, trauma etc this is their main energy source. By disabling this connection to them we as Humans regain our Human Sovereignty and our life source. Humans use only 3 strands of DNA , they  hi-jacked and appropriated the remaining 9, by activating and removal of Chakra Interference your 12 strands are re-integrated thus restoring your full human essence and Sovereignty. We are more powerful than you think to them.

This is a Matrix Hack and is a must in any healing modality with me!




This Healing Paradigm works with source connection at your highest vibrational level. Channeling cosmic source connection with my Pendulum as a reference source to healing alignments, and completed integrations.





Arcturian Healing is highly efficient in clearing lower vibrational energy that is caused by conscious or unconscious impact from mental, emotional stress, ptsd or traumas. It releases what no longer serve you for your highest good and accelerates your human source connection to a 5D consciousness


         Arcturian Healing Space  



  • Entity Attachments

  • Chakra Interference Removal

  • Chord Cutting (ex partners)

  • Energy protection modality 

  • Soul Purpose Activation

  • Trauma and PTSD 

  • Anxiety and Stress related variables

  • Endocrine system cleanse

  • Energy system balancing and recalibrating

  • Cleansing and protecting Auric Field receptors

  • Raising your vibrational Dimension  

  • 12 Strand DNA Retrieval

  • Soul Parts Retrieval

  • Chemical Brain Imbalances 
  • Past Life Clearing 


Sessions: About
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