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Frequently Asked Questions

Thing you might want to know before booking. Please read through these question samples.

How should I prepare for my first treatment?

As my sessions are all Zoom I'd like you to be relaxed in a quiet environment, No distractions, and be as present with me and focused as you can possibly be. As its channeled source connection lay back and enjoy the ride.


What should I expect from my first session?

Your first session depends entirely on Arcturian Channeled source I receive for your personalized treatment The transmission is done through intention hence hands-on touch is not required.


Everyone’s experience is different. Most people reported that the session was very intense as they felt extremely strong energy working with them. All sessions are done remotely through Zoom.


Do you help treat terminal or chronic illness?

Arcturian Healing Energies does and can help with various ailments. Services are not a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed professional.

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