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One to One Webinar

Arcturian Activation Course

A one to one Activation Course consisting of a 5 week course an hour a week consisting of :- *Clearing Energy Body * Arcturian Activation and uploading codes *Pendulum Protocols *Practicing and calling in guides *Fine Tuning and Prayer activations

Arcturian Activation Course
Arcturian Activation Course

Time & Location

Registration Now Open

One to One Webinar

About the event

This event as been created as we all ave busy lives and are not all available ast one specific time in different time zones. This way the course is available to every body.

This hourly session with Dee Dee via Zoom is a once a week course.

* Initial Arcturian Healing Session to clear and remove any attachments that may interfere with the following Activation so that you're clear to receive and integrate these energies.

Make sure you Buy a Pendulum that Resonates with you;-


Subsequent classes will entail:-

*Arcturian Activation class

* How to calibrate your pendulum

* How to practice with charts or aids

* Starting to talk with your guides

*Past life gifts brought thru to this dimension

*Practicing healing oneself and fine attunements

*Protocols and Protection 

*Opening and closing sessions to only love and Light


Cette séance a l'horaire avec Dee Dee via Zoom est un cours à pratiquer une fois par semaine.

* Séance Initiale de Guérison Arcturienne pour effacer et supprimer tous les attachements qui peuvent interférer avec l'Activation suivante afin que vous soyez clair pour recevoir et intégrer ces énergies.

Les cours suivants comprendront : -

*Classe d'Activation Arcturienne * Comment calibrer votre pendule * Comment pratiquer avec des graphiques ou des aides * Commencer à parler avec vos guides * Les dons des vies passées amenés dans cette dimension * Pratiquer l'auto-guérison et les harmonisations fines


  • Arcturian Activation Course

    +€13.00 service fee



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