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Why is ET information kept secret?

Writer: ArcturianHealingArcturianHealing

Updated: Jun 13, 2022

First off, there are reasons for this information to be kept secret from the public. However, a lot of the following content is known within the upper layers of the military, royal circles, political elite, industrial leaders, and religious institutions. There has come to be a consensus of some sort to keep us in the dark about the E.T presence. The reason why is very complicated but will be addressed later.

I will provide some insight into the ongoing situation. We as humans have an urge to know if E.Ts can be trusted or distrusted by us. It’s the minority-complex we the humans suffer from, always assuming that anything unknown is superior to us. The UFO and E.T. phenomenon is a very complex matter. It’s not a question of it is true or not. The evidence talks for itself. We have videos, pictures, testimonies from high officials and whistleblowers. Full disclosure of the UFO and E.T phenomenon is not going to happen via governmental sources, because the technology associated with the UFOs is a goldmine for the military faction.

Ever since we detonated the first nuke clear bomb, more than 70 years ago, there has been a growing presence of UFOs on planet Earth. The most important question is, who are piloting these crafts, and what do they want? Many races have been watching us closely for a long time, some for millions of years. Most of the visitors have a positive agenda, and they are far more advanced spiritually and technologically. The human-looking «Nordics» have been of great help to humanity. They have more than once stepped in to avoid nuclear war by disarming the warheads and messing with the computers.

There are also a few negative E.T. races visiting us. Some of them have allied themselves with humans in key influential positions and offered them certain advantages in technology, access to other planets, and positions within the inner circles of the elite. All in exchange for them to enforce a certain agenda on earth with total obedience.

These corrupt sellouts are referred to as «The Cabal», and they have created several Secret Space Programs (SSP) to utilize E.T.-technology and covertly go way off-planet using stargates, dimensional travel, & anti-gravity technology. The reason this is being kept secret is that these programs have been funded by highly illegal activities, tax money, and private corporations. In exchange, they would also allow these nefarious E.Ts to abduct humans for experiments. harvesting negative energy, human trafficking, interplanetary slave labor & food.


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